Ever felt like your body was turning against you just when you started taking steps to improve your health? You’re not alone. This seemingly paradoxical reaction is called a healing crisis. It’s your body’s intense detoxification process, where the release of toxins can temporarily make you feel worse. But here’s the twist – it’s actually

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It’s Thursday afternoon here in Peru as I am writing this article for you about spirulina benefits.  Next to my computer sits my brain-fuel to keep me focussed and energised for the next hours.  What is it?  You guess, Gut Feeler friend!  It’s spirulina water. It’s 10 oz. filtered water blended with 1 teaspoon of spirulina powder.The Mighty Cyanobacteria Spirulina Before

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Honestly, there are too many benefits of stinging nettle to even count! I admit, I am a highly biased groupie when it comes to nettle leaf. Because…Not only is nettle plant (botanically: urtica diotica) extremely powerful, readily available and bursting with nutrients but nettle leafs literally saved my life. (more on that under nettle benefits #2) By the way,

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When I met Sarah she had been struggling with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and constipation since the birth of her second child. This was 15 years ago!  Before we met, she did EVERYTHING she was told from her GP and gastroenterologist to relieve her constipation, cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, and gas: She took over-the-counter laxatives (Dulcolax) three times daily Sarah

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Are you dealing with gastritis symptoms and want to stop taking proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) or other LPR reflux treatments? Or you’ve recently done an endoscopy and were diagnosed with chronic gastritis, autoimmune gastritis, Helicobacter pylori infection or even Zollinger-Ellison syndrome? Then this post is written for you. Above all, you’ll learn that there is a gastritis cure

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How often have you heard that sugar is bad for you?  But is it true?    Well… It depends!    It depends on what kind of sugar…   There’s a universe between high fructose corn syrup and raw honey for example.    High fructose corn syrup causes major inflammation in the gut because your body

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