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Candida Overgrowth – What REALLY Causes it & How I Finally Healed

Candida Overgrowth - What Really Causes it & How I Finally Healed

In this post, you learn about candida die-off symptoms and the underlying causes of candida overgrowth.


If you are struggling with candida or candida die-off symptoms, this knowledge can help you finally heal.


Have you been on an anti-candida diet for weeks without lasting results?


Are you worried about candida die-off symptoms and need clarity of what’s going on in your body?


Or you are newly diagnosed with candida overgrowth and want to take the fast track to overcome it?


It is possible to allow candida to naturally grow back by addressing the deep causes of your health issues.


I’ll be sharing everything I learned from a decade of dealing with candida and candida die-off symptoms.


I healed not only the chronic yeast infection but my allergies, low immunity, low energy, and “leaky gut” symptoms, too.



Do you want candida to finally die off?


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Candida is NOT your problem, it’s an alarming symptom!


This article is about candida Albicans. What does it really mean when you are suffering from candida overgrowth?


By understanding what really happens in your body you are able to address the underlying causes of your candida symptoms.


You’ll be learning to see Candida’s overgrowth in a new light. Instead of focusing on Candida die-off, you learn to see what huge benefit this yeast actually has for your body.


As a first aid kit, Candida literally saves your body from greater damage!

Let’s understand why!



Candida die-off – What causes yeast infections?


For me personally, Candida has been an issue since I am twelve years old. I’ve suffered from various health issues and symptoms e.g. low energy, fatigue, allergies, brain fog, memory problems, etc.


My story with candida is related to my very strong allergy symptoms. It started when I was 5 years old and escalated at the age of 14. Apart from that, I’ve also been suffering from very low immunity.


So basically, I’ve got every flu or cold around me. Feeling constantly weak and never really healthy. And these problems just built up over time.



I’ve been on anti-candida diets on and off for almost 8 years.


I tried everything to force candida to die off. But nothing wasn’t really successful long-term to eliminate my chronic yeast infection.


Today, I’d love to share my experience with the candida die-off and how I’ve healed my body. This has now become my profession and I feel honored to support you in your healing journey the best I can.


Let’s start with this idea of fighting against candida, wanting candida to die off.


Not knowing better, I promoted this “anti-candida war” for years after becoming a naturopath.


After failing to heal candida overgrowth for years, I finally gained a deep understanding of why this yeast is flaring up for so many of us!


I share this knowledge with you and you do whatever you want to do with it! Don’t just believe me! Try it out!


I know I am up against the current mainstream of anti-candida diet and leaky gut movement. So telling you something very contrary to this, I am preparing inside for going against the wind here. It’s up to you to take it or leave it.


Okay. So this is how I see Candida now, after learning a lot about my own body and studying this together with other leading-edge health experts. Candida is actually a symptom.


We’ve been told that candida overgrowth is a big problem for the body.


But actually, candida Albicans overgrowth is just something that surfaces, a symptom.


But what lies underneath the surface?

In this article, we cover the three root causes that make the yeast proliferate (multiply) in your body.


If you have candida, it’s important to not put energy into how to have it die off and or fight candida with radical treatments.


Instead, I recommend you invest in how to support your body to stabilize itself so the candida does naturally grow back.


This is how I finally was able to heal my candida issue.


Now let’s talk about what lies underneath the iceberg: What really stresses your body when it displays symptoms like yeast infections.



1. Candida symptoms show up when your body is burdened with toxic heavy metals.


candida symptoms - toxic heavy metals


The problem with these toxic heavy metals is that there are so deep in our body tissue, you won’t be able to detect them with blood tests, etc.

We are talking about mercury, cadmium, lead, and substances like that.


What happens with heavy metals like mercury, for example, is that they oxidize.


That’s what heavy metals do, they oxidize after a while.


Now they are extremely toxic to the body.


They negatively affect our nervous system.


They cause damage to your digestive system and create high levels of inflammation all over the body.


And here’s something you’ve probably never heard before…


Candida feeds off these oxidized heavy metals to save your body from greater damage!


Our bodies are incredibly intelligent.


Candida isn’t THE problem.


Rather it’s your body’s first aid kit to prevent the toxins from wreaking more havoc.


Candida is naturally present in your body.


And when it’s present in overgrowth you can be sure that there is something happening that your body needs candida to protect itself.


When toxic heavy metals oxidize, Candida jumps in and feeds off them.


It’s important to know though that the yeast isn’t able to eliminate the toxins complete from your body.


You’ll still need to support your body here.


But candida can at least prevent them for a while to damage your body, especially your neurological system.


So if you are suffering from chronic yeast infections learn to look deeper.


And take care of those heavy metals that are stored up in your body, especially in your liver and brain.


Now let’s look into another central cause of your body’s reaction to produce candida Albicans in abundance.


I am almost certain, this will come as a shock now for many of us who’ve been taught about leaky gut symptoms. This is such a widespread concept, especially in alternative medicine nowadays.


I admit I’ve been sharing the leaky gut theory myself. Fighting for years against conventional medicine who denies its existence.


Now I am “back” on the other side. I tell you why and also how the “leaky gut” problem connects to candida overgrowth.




2. Weakened digestion is another underlying cause of yeast infections.


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If you’ve been on the search for an anti-candida diet and how to die off candida Albicans for a while, it’s not going to be new to you:

Candida overgrowth and an impaired digestive system go hand in hand.


What you probably didn’t know is this:

If you have are low in healthy stomach acid (HCL).


Especially if you suffer from indigestion, heartburn, brain fog, headaches, cramps after eating, etc. it’s likely your body doesn’t have enough HCL.


In the classic example of heartburn, the acids of bad bacteria (e.g. from Heliobacter pylori) have taken over your good stomach acid.


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In fact, most of us are low in stomach acid. Even if you are not aware of having any digestive issues (yet), candida overgrowth isn’t possible with them.



Why is it a huge problem if your stomach acid is too low?


Here is what happens:

If you eat something, you’re stomach acid, together with the bile from your liver, normally starts to break up the chewed food into smaller components.


This makes it possible to absorb all the nutrients later on in the digestive process.


Your stomach acid is key for this pre-digestive step before the food arrives in your small and then your large intestine.


Unfortunately, a deficiency in good HCL often comes in combination with an overburdened liver.


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Your liver is the organ that suffers the most from toxic heavy metals.


When your liver comes in touch with toxins, it has two choices:


  1. Either it is able to eliminate them or,
  2. if that is not possible, it stores the toxins away in its own cells.


The liver is one of our main cleansing organs.


To get a feel for your liver, imagine a workaholic or Mother Theresa:

Your liver is dedicated to saving your body and even willing to sacrifice its own cells for the greater good.


Our liver suffers silently over the years.


We do not physically feel the building up of toxic stress, it is exposed to on a daily basis.


But one sure sign that our liver and likely our stomach acid has a problem is candida overgrowth.


Let’s look into how this is all connected:


When you eat something, the food after being chewed by your teeth arrives in the stomach.


Now, if your stomach acid is too low and your liver doesn’t produce sufficient bile, the food you’ve eaten can’t get digested well.


This is a big problem for your intestines.

Because now the food starts rotting in your gut, in the and parts of your small and large intestine.



Rotting food in your gut is a HUGE problem for your body!


This is not the same as having a real leaky gut also known as intestinal permeability.


There is no such thing as undigested food particles etc. being able to get through the “mash” of your intestinal lining.


Only in the rare cases of a real leaky gut, this is possible.


Micro-injuries cause toxic waste products, bacteria, food particles, etc. to “leak” through your intestines and enter the bloodstream.

This is an emergency and you need to call 101. If you experience symptoms such as high fever and severe abdominal pain, then you need to see a doctor immediately.


However what most alternative health practitioners call leaky gut is something completely different.


We haven’t yet understood what really causes elevated levels of inflammation and a myriad of other digestive symptoms like bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, etc.




When food is rotting in our gut it produces a gas called ammonia.


Do you remember the last time you’ve passed by or even walked through a pigsty?


pig sty, candida die-off, ammonia toxic gas













Did you notice an intense, stinging smell?


This is ammonia.


This is the same gas as the one produced in our intestines from undigested, rotting food.


Ammonia is not only highly toxic to our body but also produces severe inflammation symptoms.


It can travel, like a ghost through the membrane of our intestines and spread all over our bodies.


If ammonia reaches your nervous system it can cause severe damage to your neurons.


Because of its high toxicity, ammonia creates inflammation in whichever part of our body it reaches.




Ammonia is the real ghost behind the “leaky gut” syndrome.


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To avoid confusion we should name the “leaky gut syndrome”, ammonia permeability. Because that is at the bottom of so many of our digestive and neurological problems today.


What’s the reason candida overgrowth is often found not only in our intestines but rather as a systemic “invasion” within the whole body?


Think about it for a second!


Any ideas?


It’s the presence of toxic ammonia gas.


Again, candida and candida die-off isn’t the culprit here.


It rather helps to contain the damage ammonia can wreak in your body.


Candida certainly isn’t able to heal our liver and low stomach acid.


But at least candida is on our side and not working against us.


Whatever you do after reading this: Don’t focus on candida!


Instead, start to cleanse your liver and rebuild your natural stomach acid levels.


Check out the post, Candida Cleanse, where I am sharing the three key elements to treat yeast infection overgrowth.


If you want to take a candida supplement, make it this one…

★ Mycozil – Take 2 x 2 capsules daily before a meal (for up to 3 months)


Candida Balance










Use coupon code: PEGGY to get 10% off


Now, here’s one more reason for candida to be overly present in your body…



3. Viruses and bacteria are a major reason for candida symptoms.


Viruses and bacteria can be deeply anchored in our inner organs. Certain bacteria, like Strep as well as viruses, like Eppstein Barr or Shingles are the real culprit behind candida overgrowth.


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Unfortunately, current medical methods can’t detect viruses and bacteria that are in the later stages of their evolution.


If are freshly infected with a pathogen, chances are high that Western medicine will detect it in your blood, urine, or stool samples.


But, the viruses we are talking about here are not new.


Most of them are present in your body for a very long time and have reached a deeper part of your tissue.


This makes them “invisible” to our current conventional testing methods.


I recommend using Bioresonanz technology to get more accurate test results.


With this diagnostic method, you have a greater chance to get a picture of what your pathogen challenges are.


The problem with these old viruses and bacteria in your system isn’t only their presence.


Still unknown by conventional medicine is that viruses and bacteria feed off certain foods (e.g. dairy, eggs, gluten).


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And as they “eat” they also excrete something.


These secretion products are 100 times more problematic than the pure virus or bacteria itself.


Their toxicity can affect all organs in our body.


For example, the shingles virus secretes neurotoxins that inflame and attack our nervous system.


Other viruses and bacteria excrete dermatoxins that are at the root of diseases, e.g. psoriasis.


Candida really only is the tip of the iceberg! It’s important to look under the surface and help your body heal from the underlying causes.


Candida symptoms will disappear by themselves once you start detoxing your body and especially stop feeding pathogens through food.


The amazing thing about candida is that it is not only alarming to us that something in our body needs our attention.


In addition, candida Albicans feeds off toxins that are released from pathogens.


This makes them less dangerous and protects your body from further damage.


Candida is really like a first aid kit. Even a lifesaver!


However, candida can’t heal your body and kill pathogens. This needs to be supported by you, your diet, certain supplements, etc.


If you like to get started healing candida and improving your gut health, I recommend doing this one-week challenge.


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Let’s recap what you learned!



Summary: Candida die-off


For allowing candida to naturally regrow, we need to focus on the underlying causes.


The main causes of candida overgrowth are…


1. Your body is suffering from a load of toxic heavy metals.


2. Because your stomach acid is too low and/or your liver is overburdened food can’t be properly digested. This leads to a rotting process in your gut which produces a highly toxic gas called ammonia.


3. Pathogens that have deeply penetrated your inner organs are secreting toxins that the yeast is feeding off.


If you like to help your body address these causes check out “Candida diet and candida cleanse for yeast infections”.



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