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Beautiful & Fresh Skin – Best Simple Morning Tip

Beautifully fresh skin - morning ritual

Just a few months ago I woke up and my skin just looked and felt dry and the opposite of fresh and beautiful. Do you remember the last time you had these dark circles around the eyes and wished they wouldn’t be there for your important day, your meeting at work or your new first date? Would you prefer having beautifully fresh skin that you can be proud of?

Beautifully fresh skin is nature’s secret

Well, as usual, nature has an answer for us. Therefore in this short post, I share with you what helped me back to enjoying beautifully fresh skin. I hope it can be of value to you, too.

There are many ways to improve your skin. Usually, I recommend thinking from the inside out. Because if your body is well nourished and deeply happy you’ll likely see it in your skin, too.

This tip, however, is a “from the outside in” one. And it’s quick, low maintenance and inexpensive.

I recommend trying the tip for one week in a row to see and feel how is your skin changes.

All you need is a (best organic) lemon or just the left-over lemon peel from your pressed morning lemon juice.

After waking up and before applying anything else on your skin: Slice the lemon or the left-over lemon peel, lie down and place them evenly on your face. Then set a timer for 5 min, relax and know you are on your way to a beautifully fresh skin.

I use these 5 minutes to ponder over the question: What is the most important one to three things today that I’d like to focus on?

Now, this is a great way to start your day consciously: Choosing whatever question works for you to focus and set an intention for the day.

I personally like Brendon Burchard’s approach, he asks questions like:

“What would you like to CONTRIBUTE?” or “Who would you like to be – what CHARACTER would you show to the world?”

After the timer goes off, remove the lemon peel and just rinse off your face with warm water.

As a result, your skin will feel more moisture, fresher and more ready for the day.


Beautifully fresh skin, lemon

How do lemons support beautifully fresh skin?

What this juicy, yellow miracle fruit does:

  • the natural antioxidants (e.g. Vitamin C) fight against free radicals that cause your skin to age quickly
  • the fruit sugar will deeply nourish your outer skin and even penetrate deeper levels of your skin giving it nutrients
  • hydrates your skin, makes it tighter and feel fresher

So try this 5 minute morning ritual for the next 7 days and see how your skin is improving. 🙂

Are you happy with your beautifully fresh skin?

I’d love to hear from you.

So let me know how it went for you and if you felt a difference:


Have you checked out the complementing article “Dark circles under my eyes – The ultimate 5 wow-to look fresher & naturally beautiful“, yet?


★Ester C (start with 1 capsule – increase to 2 capsules/day

★Liquid Liposomal C (start with 1/2 Tbsp – increase to 1 Tbsp/day)

★Vitamin C from 100% Fruits & Berries – body-friendly & great addition to your diet (1 capsule/day)

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