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The Healing Crisis: Why Feeling Worse Means You’re Healing

Ever felt like your body was turning against you just when you started taking steps to improve your health? You’re not alone. This seemingly paradoxical reaction is called a healing crisis. It’s your body’s intense detoxification process, where the release of toxins can temporarily make you feel worse. But here’s the twist – it’s actually a powerful sign that your body is ready to heal on a deeper level.


Watch Peggy’s LIVE Q&A on the Healing Crisis here


Symptoms of a Healing Crisis


  • Fatigue and lethargy
  • Headaches
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Digestive issues (nausea, diarrhea, bloating)
  • Skin eruptions (rashes, acne)
  • Flu-like symptoms (fever, chills)
  • Emotional disturbances (mood swings, anxiety, irritability)


Understanding the Healing Crisis


Western medicine often conditions us to believe we are at the mercy of pharmaceuticals, institutions, and the latest studies. This mindset can make us feel like powerless victims. But here’s the truth: you are not a victim. You are not faulty.

These symptoms are showing up because you are ready for change. Your body is signaling that it’s time to learn, grow, and heal. Embrace it.


The Journey to Deep Healing


Changing your diet and lifestyle is an excellent start – a vital baby step. But real, deep healing requires a shift in your underlying beliefs. If your mindset remains unchanged, those physical changes will only offer superficial relief.

To truly heal, you must have a sincere desire to know yourself and heal from within. When you do, the answers will come.


The Healing Curve


Real healing is not a straight path. It’s a journey with ups and downs, much like the stock market. This is natural and to be expected.

Western medicine often offers quick fixes – a pill or a surgery. But deep healing involves a more profound process, which I use with my clients:

  1. Listen to Your Body: Treat it as a friend and messenger. It’s always supporting you.
  2. Get into a State of Openness: Be ready to receive what your body is telling you.
  3. Ask What It Wants to Bring to Your Attention: What is the message behind the pain or discomfort?
  4. Receive Insights: Reflect on how your current challenge serves you. What can you learn from it?


Overcoming Limiting Beliefs


Our programming often insists that something is wrong with us, that long-standing issues are incurable. Write these beliefs down. Decide if you want to keep believing them or if you’re ready to adopt more empowering statements.


Trust Your Body and Intuition

Ask your body and intuition to guide you. Look for the next step – an inspirational role model, a new daily habit, a different food, or a new thought. You don’t need to have it all figured out. Just take the next baby step.

Regularly ask yourself: “How could this (insert your condition) serve me right now?” If resistance or negative thoughts come up, write them down. Awareness is the first step to change.


Your Body: An Extension of You

Remember, your body is not separate from who you are. It’s an expression of you. Embrace it. Listen to it. Trust it. This is the path to turning your healing crisis into an opportunity for growth and transformation.

By understanding and embracing the healing crisis, you turn your body into your best friend, guiding you towards deeper healing and well-being. This journey is not just about overcoming symptoms but about discovering a new level of vitality and inner peace. Let’s embark on this healing adventure together!

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